Griffiths family

Outline pedigree of Griffiths family

Beaumont Street, Toxteth, photographed in 1973
Charles Griffiths, a joiner, born about 1822, married Eliza, born about 1841.
Alfred Griffiths, a plumber and painter, married Phoebe Simpson who was born about 1858 and died in 1928.
Their daughter, Gertrude Griffiths was born at 3 Beaumont Street in the Toxteth Park area of Liverpool in 1886 and died in 1953 at Toxteth Mental Hospital.
She married Reginald Fielding Marriott Woodforde. They had three children: Kenneth, Mona and Robert.

The Griffiths family grave at Toxteth
With thanks to Joanne Wagner for sharing her research into the Griffiths family